设计一个智能遥控器,遥控器上有7个插槽 , 每个插槽(某设备具体供应商)对应两个按钮 on , off ,以及一个全局的撤销操作undo.
判断每个插槽对应的具体厂商是谁, 然后做出对应的动作
if(slot1 == Light){ light.on()}else if(slot1 == Hottub){ hottub.on()}else if(slot1 == TV){ tv.on();}...复制代码
- 出现的问题
- 遥控器和具体的设备厂商耦合到了一起 , 遥控器需要 认识 某个插槽当前对应设备的厂商
- 当加入/删除 新的设备厂商时, 当前代码都需要进行改动
- 一张订单封装了 准备餐点的请求
- 女招待的工作是接收订单 , 然后调用订单的OrderUp()方法 , 女招待不需要担心订单的内容是什么, 或者由谁来准备餐点 , 她只需要指导,订单由一个OrderUp()方法可以调用即可.
- 快餐厨师具有准备餐点的知识 . 他只要看到订单就知道如何准备餐点 . 厨师和女招侍之间从不需要直接沟通.
把餐厅想象成设计模式的一种模型 , 这个模型允许通过**"封装请求的命令"(订单)**将 "发出请求的对象"(女招待, "订单来啦") 和 "接收与执行这些请求的对象"(厨师) 分隔开 .
的对象(厨师/具体供应商)解耦 , 也可以支持撤销
- 类图
- 封装请求的命令对象(订单) : 一个命令对象通过在特定接收者上绑定一组动作来封装一个请求
, 该对象之暴露一个execute()方法, 当此方法被调用时, 接收者就会进行对应的动作 . 从女招待的角度来看, 它不需要知道具体哪个 接收者进行了什么动作,只知道如果调用execute()方法 , 请求的目的就能达到了 - 发出请求的对象(女招待) : ①负责接收命令对象 ②在合适的时候调用命令对象的execute()方法
- 执行请求的对象(厨师) : 真正执行请求的接收者
- 封装请求的命令对象(订单) : 一个命令对象通过在特定接收者上绑定一组动作来封装一个请求
"撤销操作" 只需在Invocker中定义变量
Command undoCommand
保存撤销操作即可 . 如果要联系撤销, 则可以用栈
的形式存储执行过的命令public class LightOnCommand implements Command { Light light; public LightOnCommand(Light light) { this.light = light; } public void execute() { light.on(); } public void undo() { light.off(); }}复制代码
public class RemoteControlWithUndo { Command[] onCommands; Command[] offCommands; Command undoCommand; //记录上一次命令 public RemoteControlWithUndo() { onCommands = new Command[7]; offCommands = new Command[7]; Command noCommand = new NoCommand(); for(int i=0;i<7;i++) { onCommands[i] = noCommand; offCommands[i] = noCommand; } undoCommand = noCommand; } public void setCommand(int slot, Command onCommand, Command offCommand) { onCommands[slot] = onCommand; offCommands[slot] = offCommand; } public void onButtonWasPushed(int slot) { onCommands[slot].execute(); undoCommand = onCommands[slot]; //记录上一次命令 } public void offButtonWasPushed(int slot) { offCommands[slot].execute(); undoCommand = offCommands[slot]; //记录上一次命令 } public void undoButtonWasPushed() { undoCommand.undo(); //执行撤销命令 }}复制代码
"Party模式" : 封装一次请求中的批量操作 (按下一个按钮,同时弄暗灯光 , 打开音响和电视,设置好DVD)
public class MacroCommand implements Command { Command[] commands; public MacroCommand(Command[] commands) { this.commands = commands; } public void execute() { for (int i = 0; i < commands.length; i++) { commands[i].execute(); } }}复制代码
- 队列请求 (日志安排 , 线程池 , 工作队列)
- 以线程池为例 , 将线程需要执行的动作封装进Runnable对象中
- 线程池 以 阻塞队列存储Runnable对象
- 当线程空闲时 , 从队列中取出Runnable对象 , 并执行Runnable中重写的Run()方法
- 总结 : 即线程池中的线程不需要知道具体的执行者是谁,干了什么,只需要在空闲时从队列中取出命令对象Runnable并调用run()方法即可
- 日志请求
- 当每个命令被执行时, 会被储存在磁盘中
- 在系统死机后, 重新加载存储的命令,并以准备的次序执行
- 队列请求 (日志安排 , 线程池 , 工作队列)
public interface Command { public void execute(); public void undo();}复制代码
public class LightOnCommand implements Command { Light light; int level; public LightOnCommand(Light light) { this.light = light; } public void execute() { level = light.getLevel(); light.on(); } public void undo() { light.dim(level); }}复制代码
具体命令对象 --关灯
public class LightOffCommand implements Command { Light light; int level; public LightOffCommand(Light light) { this.light = light; } public void execute() { level = light.getLevel(); light.off(); } public void undo() { light.dim(level); }}复制代码
设备厂商 -- Receiver
public class Light { String location; int level; public Light(String location) { this.location = location; } public void on() { level = 100; System.out.println("Light is on"); } public void off() { level = 0; System.out.println("Light is off"); } public void dim(int level) { this.level = level; if (level == 0) { off(); } else { System.out.println("Light is dimmed to " + level + "%"); } } public int getLevel() { return level; }}复制代码
调用者Invoker --远程遥控器
public class RemoteControlWithUndo { Command[] onCommands; Command[] offCommands; Command undoCommand; public RemoteControlWithUndo() { onCommands = new Command[7]; offCommands = new Command[7]; Command noCommand = new NoCommand(); for(int i=0;i<7;i++) { onCommands[i] = noCommand; offCommands[i] = noCommand; } undoCommand = noCommand; } public void setCommand(int slot, Command onCommand, Command offCommand) { onCommands[slot] = onCommand; offCommands[slot] = offCommand; } public void onButtonWasPushed(int slot) { onCommands[slot].execute(); undoCommand = onCommands[slot]; } public void offButtonWasPushed(int slot) { offCommands[slot].execute(); undoCommand = offCommands[slot]; } public void undoButtonWasPushed() { undoCommand.undo(); }}复制代码
public class RemoteLoader { public static void main(String[] args) { RemoteControlWithUndo remoteControl = new RemoteControlWithUndo(); Light livingRoomLight = new Light("Living Room"); LightOnCommand livingRoomLightOn = new LightOnCommand(livingRoomLight); LightOffCommand livingRoomLightOff = new LightOffCommand(livingRoomLight); remoteControl.setCommand(0, livingRoomLightOn, livingRoomLightOff); remoteControl.onButtonWasPushed(0); remoteControl.offButtonWasPushed(0); System.out.println(remoteControl); remoteControl.undoButtonWasPushed(); //撤销操作 System.out.println(remoteControl); //此时应该是开灯状态 }}复制代码
Light is onLight is off------ Remote Control -------[slot 0] headfirst.designpatterns.command.undo.LightOnCommand headfirst.designpatterns.command.undo.LightOffCommand[slot 1] headfirst.designpatterns.command.undo.NoCommand headfirst.designpatterns.command.undo.NoCommand[slot 2] headfirst.designpatterns.command.undo.NoCommand headfirst.designpatterns.command.undo.NoCommand[slot 3] headfirst.designpatterns.command.undo.NoCommand headfirst.designpatterns.command.undo.NoCommand[slot 4] headfirst.designpatterns.command.undo.NoCommand headfirst.designpatterns.command.undo.NoCommand[slot 5] headfirst.designpatterns.command.undo.NoCommand headfirst.designpatterns.command.undo.NoCommand[slot 6] headfirst.designpatterns.command.undo.NoCommand headfirst.designpatterns.command.undo.NoCommand[undo] headfirst.designpatterns.command.undo.LightOffCommandLight is dimmed to 100% //撤销操作 ==> 开灯状态------ Remote Control -------[slot 0] headfirst.designpatterns.command.undo.LightOnCommand headfirst.designpatterns.command.undo.LightOffCommand[slot 1] headfirst.designpatterns.command.undo.NoCommand headfirst.designpatterns.command.undo.NoCommand[slot 2] headfirst.designpatterns.command.undo.NoCommand headfirst.designpatterns.command.undo.NoCommand[slot 3] headfirst.designpatterns.command.undo.NoCommand headfirst.designpatterns.command.undo.NoCommand[slot 4] headfirst.designpatterns.command.undo.NoCommand headfirst.designpatterns.command.undo.NoCommand[slot 5] headfirst.designpatterns.command.undo.NoCommand headfirst.designpatterns.command.undo.NoCommand[slot 6] headfirst.designpatterns.command.undo.NoCommand headfirst.designpatterns.command.undo.NoCommand[undo] headfirst.designpatterns.command.undo.LightOffCommand复制代码
书籍: HeadFirst设计模式